The life & times of an HVAC Engineer

Over the last six months I’ve been part of the UKRC & RAEng‘s ‘Ingenious Women’ project, all about developing and publicising the career’s of young female engineers in order to encourage more women to follow our career paths.

So, as part of the project I’ve been unashamedly having my face and my story splattered all over every website that would have me. For your delectation, and in celebration of 2500 visits to my blog, here they all are:

My first foray onto the internet, the website of the Ingenious Women project.

After that I volunteered to be a case study on the careers website of the ECITB (Engineering Construction Industry Training Board). Be warned, it takes a bit of searching for me on this one, as there is no direct link.

Then I was contacted by STEMNET to be a case study for some of their STEM Club resources.

I was also lucky enough to receive a training grant from Cogent. Since this was a huge help to me I couldn’t say no when they asked if I would feature in one of their articles.

Last, but by no means least I’m taking part in the ‘hidden science app’ where you can get science questions answered. This has led to be being featured on the Science Council’s ‘Future Morph’ careers website, a brilliant resource for any students considering science/engineering careers…or for parents & teachers trying to persuade them to!

I hope you enjoyed them. There are a few more that are still in the making, I’ll post the links to them when I have them.

{September 10, 2010}   I blog therefore I am

Yesterday was the launch of the Ingenious Women project at the Royal Academy of Engineering in London. 20 young female engineers gathered to learn about the project and various forms of media, and to meet 12 rather interesting “media mentors”. I am fortunate enough to be one of those 20 engineers, and this is my first foray into the world of blogging.

I hope, through this blog, twitter, and any public engagements events I can possibly get involved with, to raise the profile of engineering, to share my passion and excitement for what I do…and hopefully to inspire more young people to go into engineering. Please be patient with me though – I’m by no means an expert in communications!

I plan to blog about the engineering projects I get involved with, interesting engineering I see or hear about and the events I get involved with on the Ingenious Women project. I’m also happy to chat about my career and answer questions generally, or even to blog about a specific topic if there’s something I’m involved with that interests you – just leave me a comment or send me a message.

If you like what you read in my blog as time goes by then please share it with your friends, with anyone who you think has an interest in engineering, and especially with anyone making career/university/A-level/GCSE choices. But for now, just wish me luck…

et cetera